Service Fees


Initial Consult    (45-60mins)
Full history and examination, treatment, rehabilitation, advice.
Standard Consult    (30mins)
Quick follow up history and re-assessment, treatment, rehabilitation progressions, advice.
Extended Consult    (45mins)
Returning patient with new complaint or multiple complaints.
Short Consult    (15mins)
Quick assessment & treatment only.


S&C (Including Program)    (60mins)
Junior Athlete Development    (45-60mins)
Groups of 3-4 Kids
  • Fundamental
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
$30 per child
Office/Workstation Ergonomic Assessment
(Depending on Number of People)
Vehicle Ergonomic Assessment
{Depending on Location & Number of People)

Important Information

No Medical Referral is Required

To see an Osteopath

Payment Facilities available via Medipass

For Private Health and Medicare claiming

Payment is required in full at time of consultation

See FAQ’s for payment options.
Cash, Card or Direct Debit accepted (AMEX not accepted)

WorkCover and TAC claims

Available by Review Only

We Accept Medicare

Rebateable Chronic Disease Management (CDM) plans from your GP

We accept Department of Veterans Affairs referrals

Cancellation Policy

We require that you contact the clinic as soon as possible if you are unable to attend your appointment, this allows us to offer your appointment time to another patient if need of osteopathic care.

If you cancel or reschedule your appointment within 4hrs of your appointment, you will incur half the standard consult fee ($44.50)

If you miss your scheduled appointment and fail to contact the clinic, you will incur the full standard consultation fee ($89)
Cancellation Policy